Should you need help understanding, using, or extending WooCommerce, please read our documentation. You will find all kinds of resources including snippets, tutorials and much more.
If you find a bug within WooCommerce core you can create a ticket via GitHub issues. Ensure you read the contribution guide prior to submitting your report. To help us solve your issue, please be as descriptive as possible and include your system status report.
Hello! We want to invite you to try our Perfect WooCommerce Brands plugin!
Perfect WooCommerce Brands the perfect tool to improve customer experience on your site. It allows you to highlight product brands and organize them in lists, dropdowns, thumbnails, and as a widget.
Action Required: Upgrade Needed for WP Statistics
A database upgrade is needed for your site. Running this upgrade will keep everything working correctly. Please run the process as soon as possible.
Run Process NowRead More
Fantastic! You have got 100+ sales with the Discount Rules plugin!
Could you please share us with your feedback and a 5-star review on the WordPress repository? Your support will help us continually improve.
Your theme (Betheme) contains outdated copies of some WooCommerce template files. These files may need updating to ensure they are compatible with the current version of WooCommerce. Suggestions to fix this:
Update your theme to the latest version. If no update is available contact your theme author asking about compatibility with the current WooCommerce version.
If you copied over a template file to change something, then you will need to copy the new version of the template and apply your changes again.
Facebook for WooCommerce - version 3.2.8 is untested with WooCommerce 9.7.1.
Hi there, You've been using Buy X get Y free deal maker plugin on your site for a few days - I hope it's been helpful. If you're enjoying my plugin, would you mind rating it 5-stars to help spread the word?
Those are all sizes that are already generated for the used image in the WordPress Media Library AND have the same aspect ratio.
Why are my choices not exactly 1X or 2X?
The File Size Optimizer looks at the required media size throughout all device layouts and in that way evaluates the available Dimensions. If available, there is always a choice shown that is the closest to 1X or 2X. If no fitting size is available, you can hover the standard (1X) or retina (2X) lines to get an info on the currently optimal size for your media.
*One License Key / Purchase Code is required for each Website
Terms of using JPG Images from the Library
The pictures are free for personal and even for commercial use.
You can modify, copy and distribute the photos. All without asking for permission or setting a link to the source. So, attribution is not required.
The only restriction is that identifiable people may not appear in a bad light or in a way that they may find offensive, unless they give their consent.
The CC0 license was released by the non-profit organization Creative Commons (CC). Get more information about Creative Commons images and the license on the official license page.
*One License Key / Purchase Code is required for each Website
Terms of using HTML5 Videos from the Library
The videos are free for personal and even for commercial use.
You can modify, copy and distribute the videos. All without asking for permission or setting a link to the source. So, attribution is not required.
The only restriction is that identifiable people may not appear in a bad light or in a way that they may find offensive, unless they give their consent.
The CC0 license was released by the non-profit organization Creative Commons (CC). Get more information about Creative Commons images and the license on the official license page.
Usage only allowed within Slider Revolution Plugin
A variety of sizes and densities can be also downloaded from the git repository , making it even easier for developers to customize, share, and re-use outside of Slider Revolution.
Please check the listed license files for details about how you can use the "FontAwesome" and "Stroke 7 Icon" font sets for commercial projects, open source projects, or really just about whatever you want.
Please respect all other icon fonts licenses for fonts not included directly into Slider Revolution.
Further License Information
Font Awesome 4.6.3 by @davegandy - - @fontawesome License - SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License)